

Bookings can be made online or by phone (02) 6059 1212 during business hours.

We offer both in person or telehealth appointments (AUSTRALIA ONLY).

Please see our FAQs section below for any questions about appointments.

Appointment FAQs

How much does an appointment cost?2024-08-13T13:59:51+10:00

In clinic pelvic floor initial appointments range from $159 for 45 minutes to $183 for 1 hour and follow up appointments $99 for half an hour.

Telehealth pelvic floor appointments are $139 for initial appointments and $89 for follow up appointments.

Musculoskeletal appointments (including pregnancy related pain) are $139 for an initial appointment (45 minutes) and $94 for follow up appointments.

Initial private appointments for semi-private exercise classes range from $99 for 30 minutes to $139 for 45 minutes.

Semi-private exercise classes (maximum 3 in each class) range from $42 for a 45 minute class to $55 for a 60 minute class. Or sign up for 10 classes to receive a 10% discount.

Online pelvic floor exercise classes are $29 per class or $27 per class for a package of 10 classes.

Please note that you may not need to pay the full amount if you have private health insurance extras cover, a Medicare referral from your GP or a seniors card (see the relevant section below). 

Please email us at for a copy of our complete price list and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding pricing.

Do you accept private health insurance?2023-07-06T22:17:24+10:00

We do accept Private Health insurance. Please note that private health insurance does not usually cover the cost of the whole appointment so you will need to pay a gap. Please also note that we currently process these through online claiming. Some private health insurance funds do not allow online claiming. If your fund does not accept online claiming, you will need to pay the cost of the appointment and seek the private health rebate directly with your insurer.

Do you accept Care Plans?2023-07-06T22:23:44+10:00

Yes we do accept care plans, however please note that care plans do not cover the whole cost of the appointment. You will need to pay for the appointment in full and the Medicare benefit will be paid into your account.

What should I expect from a women’s pelvic floor appointment?2023-07-06T23:26:44+10:00

Your pelvic floor physio will take a detailed history of your concerns to develop an understanding of what may be the cause of your symptoms. If your physio believes it will be helpful, and with your consent, your physio may offer you a vaginal examination to assess and treat your pelvic floor. Your physio can still treat you without a vaginal examination, which can still be very helpful, however your assessment and treatment options will generally be more limited.

What to expect from a children’s pelvic health appointment2023-07-06T23:24:43+10:00

Your pelvic floor physio will speak with you and your child about your child’s bladder and bowel concerns, to develop a detailed history of their symptoms. This will usually also include information about their development, diet and any allergies or intolerances. Your physio may also check your child’s tummy and give you a bladder and/or bowel diary for you to help your child complete.

Your physio will then provide practical strategies to improve your child’s bladder and bowel function.

Do you offer concession rates?2023-07-07T00:05:03+10:00

We offer concession rates for student card and senior card holders. If this is you please put this in the comment section of your booking when booking online, or you can contact the clinic.

What if I cannot afford an appointment?2023-07-31T15:17:11+10:00

We believe that pelvic floor health should be available for everyone. If you genuinely cannot afford your appointment, please contact the clinic to discuss potential options.


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