
Rebekah Shiraz

Empower Pelvic Clinic

Empowering you to overcome your pelvic floor concerns


(Click on your concern for more info)


Including pelvic floor preparation for birth, pregnancy safe exercise pelvic girdle & back pain, carpal tunnel varicose veins and more.


Including pelvic floor rehab, return to exercise OASIS, incontinence prolapse, diastasis recti, back and wrist pain and more.


Including stress incontinence (leaking with exercise, cough etc), urgency and bowel incontinence.


Including pessary management.


Including constipation related to non-relaxing pelvic floor muscles and prolapse.

Pelvic Pain

Including endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, painful sex, vaginismus and other pain conditions. 

Pelvic Floor Physio for Children

Constipation, bladder and bowel accidents, urgency and bedwetting.

You can book appointments on this website or our new official clinic website. 

See our new website http://www.empowerpelvicclinic.com for up-to-date information on our services.

Why Choose Empower Pelvic Clinic

We believe that YOU are the most important part of your treatment journey. You are the focus of everything we do. During your sessions, your physiotherapist will take time to listen to your concerns, discuss your pelvic floor symptoms, and understand your treatment preferences. Your physiotherapist will then develop a personalized treatment plan with you that aligns with YOUR goals and lifestyle.

You will be treated by a highly trained, Titled APA Pelvic Health Physiotherapist with a Masters degree in pelvic floor physiotherapy. Her commitment to continuous professional development and staying up-to-date with the latest research ensures you receive the most current, effective, and evidence-based care tailored to your needs.

Want to know about what to expect during your appointments?
We’ve got you covered! Visit our Appointment Information Page on the Empower Pelvic Clinic website for all the details. Click the link below for a direct link to the page.

More About Rebekah

Rebekah is a physiotherapist in Albury Australia. She is passionate about educating women about women's health concerns and empowering women to reach their goals.



Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy for Kids!

By |October 17th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

When you hear the term “Pelvic floor physiotherapy” you would probably first think about physiotherapy for women. However, just like adults, children have pelvic floors and can have bladder and bowel problems too! What conditions does pelvic floor physiotherapy treat in children? Children’s continence and pelvic floor physiotherapy includes:         Daytime wee accidents         Bedwetting         Constipation         Toilet training difficulties What causes dysfunction in children? The causes of pelvic floor dysfunction in children are quite different to [...]

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