
Rebekah Shiraz

Empower Pelvic Clinic

Empowering you to overcome your pelvic floor concerns


(Click on your concern for more info)


Including pelvic floor preparation for birth, pregnancy safe exercise pelvic girdle & back pain, carpal tunnel varicose veins and more.


Including pelvic floor rehab, return to exercise OASIS, incontinence prolapse, diastasis recti, back and wrist pain and more.


Including stress incontinence (leaking with exercise, cough etc), urgency and bowel incontinence.


Including pessary management.


Including constipation related to non-relaxing pelvic floor muscles and prolapse.

Pelvic Pain

Including endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, painful sex, vaginismus and other pain conditions. 

Pelvic Floor Physio for Children

Constipation, bladder and bowel accidents, urgency and bedwetting.

You can book appointments on this website or our new official clinic website. 

See our new website http://www.empowerpelvicclinic.com for up-to-date information on our services.

More About Rebekah

Rebekah is a physiotherapist in Albury Australia. She is passionate about educating women about women’s health concerns and empowering women to reach their goals.



Difficulty cleaning after a poop? Check out these tips!

By |August 6th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

If you have to wipe endlessly after a poop, or find poop stains on your underwear you’ve likely developed an unwanted relationship with fecal smearing. Normally when emptying the bowels, the poop comes out in a formed sausage, which triggers a reflex in the anus to tightly close. This results in very little poop being left around the anus and very easy wiping. The difficulty comes when there is poor poop form (poor stool type), constipation, hemorrhoids or pelvic floor muscle weakness. Poor poop (stool) type If your poop is sticky [...]

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